Friday, 4 March 2011

Some things last forever! They met fancy dressed (both) for carnival, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and here I am. So, have a good Carnival!

 Family album. 
On a country road in the farm:

Mrs.Liana Bertolucci Andrade (Argentina) and Mr.AntonioAndrade (Brasil) ready to attend a reception at the Brazilian Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, back in the sixties: MAMÁ y PAPÁ.
Mamá Liana.

The family and a llama in a trip to Los Andes. I'm pretending to ride the animal, almost on its neck, but in reality I had fear that the llama would jump and I would fall down and crash on the floor. Cordoba, Argentina.

Heaven's Ranch: Sister, brother & me on the farm.

Heaven's Ranch:
Fazenda do Céu/Heaven's farm. On a country road. Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Florianópolis, Sta.Catarina.
                                   Methamorphosis, the transformation:

Mamá now. After a well succeeded 3 bypass surgery a year ago, at Saint Francisco hospital in P.Alegre,  she's really good and ready for at least one more decade. We're watching close .

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