Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Brazilian indians are "against" the construction of BELO MONTE hydro-electric power station.

Brazil has the largest part of the amazonian rainforest,and everyday a part of it is destroyed. After the original vegetation is burned, or the trees extracted by lumbers, farmers start to do monoculture plantations or raising cattle(80% of deforestation is for cattle) in the rain forest territory. Apart of that, the urban people of those cities don't have enviromental education, and the local governments don't do educational campaigns, or architectural and urbanistic studies. There is a lot of corruption inside those administrations. They're only trying to keep in control of city halls and governments, doing politic alliances with the intention to earn votes for the next elections, so the less education people have, the easier it will be to convince them or to buy their votes. As a result of  that we see an increasing criminality. Apart of politicians, policemen also are not well payed and great part of them are corrupted, a lot of lawyers, governors and district judges too, so you don't know exactly in who will you trust.

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