Thursday, 29 September 2011

Rock In Rio 2011 - Song by Renato Russo (1960-1996), poet and vocalist from the band "Legião Urbana" (a band from the eighties), performed by banda "Capital Inicial". Que País é Esse: What kind of country is this. Tradução: Português → English= What kind of country is this? In the favelas, in the Senate, There's mess everywhere, No one respects our Constituition, But everybody believes in the progress of our nation, What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? In the Amazon river , In Araguaia, Baixada Fluminense, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, and in the Northeast, everything's in peace, I'll rest when my death comes, But the bloodshed goes on and on, Staining papers, truthfull documents, To bosses and kingpins' relieve, I say: What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? This 3th world thing, if it's just abroad mocking, let it alone, But Brazil will become rich! We'll earn thousands in money when we sell the souls of all our indians in an auction, What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this.

Song: Que país é esse: What kind of country is this?
Nas favelas, no senado : In the favelas, in the Senate,
Sujeira pra todo lado: There's mess everywhere,
Ninguém respeita a constituição: No one respects our Constituition,
Mas todos acreditam no futuro da nação:But everybody believes in the progress of our nation,
Que país é esse? Que país é esse? Que país é esse? What kind of country is this,
No Amazonas, no Araguaia iá, iá,: In the Amazon river , in Araguaia,
Na Baixada Fluminense Mato Grosso, nas Gerais e no Nordeste tudo em paz:
Baixada Fluminense, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, and in the Northeast, everything's in peace,
Na morte eu descanso, mas o Sangue anda solto,Manchando os papéis, documentos fiéis: I'll rest when my death comes, But the bloodshed goes on and on Staining papers, truthfull documents,
Ao descanso do patrão: To bosses and kingpins' relieve,
Que país é esse? Que país é esse? Que país é esse? Que país é esse?
I say: What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this? What kind of country is this?
Terceiro mundo, se for Piada no exterior: This 3th world thing, if it's just abroad mocking, let it alone,
Mas o Brasil vai ficar rico: But Brazil will become rich,
Vamos faturar um milhão, Quando vendermos todas as almas dos nossos índios num leilão: We'll earn thousands in money, when we sell the souls of all our indians in a auction.
Que país é esse? Que país é esse? Que país é esse? : What kind of country is this?

She kissed a boy! (Julio, de Sorocaba) in Rock in Rio2011...

Claudia Leitte - Beijar Na Boca /Satisfaction (Rock In Rio)

Claudia Leitte Rock In Rio 2011

Monday, 19 September 2011

Defending the Rivers of the Amazon, with Sigourney Weaver

9/11: It was one week ago. When a flower die, another flower will always grow in its place, the garden will flourish maybe stronger and more beautiful.

Amazonic flower "Victoria regia".
My sympathy for all the families affected.The important thing is that we won't forget that. We must also think about the lives that were saved! We must remember Tom, Mark & the heroes of the 93 flight, who told the terrorists: Get Out of here! and fought with them. We can't estimate how many lives were saved by them. Our country is our home and some cares must be taken. You wouldn't allow a stranger to get into your home and start spreading orthodox rules, professing beliefs that go against yourself and praying for a God that you don"t believe! People with suspect rituals and perverse tendencies must be always checked, One by One, until we have a better world. They may pray the whole day but they'll never achieve their aims! We can beat them with a flower. The world must go forward and not backwards.

Friday, 9 September 2011

The latest fashion for dogs: tennis shoes.

Redenção Park, (Our little Central Park):

That is is not Rob Zombie! That is a brazilian soldier ready for a mission in the jungle. One weekend ago it was the army week and the troops from P.Alegre went to celebrate in the Redenção Park: ,, is the site of that park.

There was a military exhibition and they also took the army band. On winter POA is crowded. In compensation on summer, from december to march, when the school is over, everyone who can do it, leave the city going for the coast cities and POA stays empty. It's good for one side, you don't have traffic jams and it's quiet. Those who can afford, middle class people, also own houses & apartments or at least rent estates on the coast cities, to where they take their families to stay until the first day of march. Only those who have to work return in the workdays. Every year, on february, 28, the freeway  is again full of cars and buses, everybody's returning. And on the 1st day of march everybody's here again! The city is full of kids going to school, traffic jams and people looking for jobs. And that will last until december, when they leave this city again.
We used to go to this park. At the age of 12, my sister stood up with one foot on the Gander boat, the other foot on the anchorage. The "Gander boat" slowly took distance and she fell all dressed up in the water. She hasn't life-saver, it wasn't deep water, but it was funny to see. 

The Independence Day of Brazil: It was 189 years ago, in September, 7, in 1822. Last wednesday, a March against corruption was done in front of the National Congress and street demonstrations in the main state capitals. Less corruption is what this country needs. Unfortunately the congressmen weren't working, but they must have seen it on the TV. It is a national holiday in all the country, nobody works on september,7, we have only essential services. When you have corruption among the Congressmen you don't have ethics to clean the society. We must start the clean-up from the top.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

34º Expointer 2011 - Porto Alegre/RS

President Dilma came to POA last weekend for the  Expointer. She has a daughter, a grandson and a house here, but she decided to stay at the Plaza São Rafael hotel so she wouldn't transtorn the neighboorhood with the security operation! She came a year ago for the marriage of her daughter.