Monday, 31 January 2011

It's summer! Sunday night at the beach.

This is exclusive.

The longest beach in the world is here in the state of Rio Grande do Sul/RS. The coast of RS State has more than 600 km in length, and only one of those beaches is considered the longest beach in the world, 255km of an ininterrupted beach of white sand. Nothing to heavy, no rocks, just the sand and warm water.
It's Praia do Cassino Beach: At over 150 miles in length, this is the longest beach in the entire world. Brazil’s beaches are known for their white sand, warm temperatures and welcoming locals. Any trip here is going to be hot, hot, hot! All sorts of water activities can be enjoyed here but surfing is the most popular pastime.
Definitely the largest beach is the Cassino Beach located on the state of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil. It begins at the Molhes (stone barrier built into the ocean separating the beach from the entrance to the Rio Grande seaport) in Cassino beach to nearly Chuí, on the border with Uruguay.
Cassino Beach is definitely the longest beach in the world with 255 Km of coast.
Extreme south of Brazil.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Para quem quer recomeçar, Sandra Maia via Yahoo! Colunistas

Para quem quer recomeçar, Sandra Maia via Yahoo! Colunistas: "

Um bom começo demanda um bom fim. Então, para recomeçar, permitir-se um novo amor, que tal trabalhar internamente para zerar o que ficou?


Friday, 7 January 2011

BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT IS THE TERMINATOR OF GENUINE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS. The following video was showed on sunday night ,09/01/2011, on the sunday night TV program with the largest audience in Brazil. The next day, monday, 10/01/2011, TV and radio stations programmation continue without mentioning that, it's like they're pretending nothing's happening. So, if the brazilian government and society aren't able to preserve that, international pressure and "HELP" is needed to protect this cultures that are disappearing. The agent from FUNAI that appears in this video asks for HELP, and says that if nothing's done immediatly, they will be extinguished.

Lumbers, farmers, hunters and invaders have attacked indians inside protected indian terrytory. Indians calmly ask for protection. The agent that works for FUNAI, (the official brazilian governmental organization created to protect indians), who appears in this video says that if this accelerated process of invasions continues, the future for them is extintion. An old indian mother has been shooted on the arm by a fire gun.

Complete video of that reportage:,,MUL1640337-15605,00-INDIAS+DA+TRIBO+AWAGUAJA+AMAMENTAM+FILHOTES+DA+FLORESTA.html#

A grande obra esquecida, Lúcio Flávio Pinto via Yahoo! Colunistas: "
Na gincana programada para tornar inesquecível a despedida do presidente Lula,um não mereceu a atenção devida: a inauguração do sistema de transposição do rio Tocantins na barragem de Tucuruí.

 Video news: Indians organize clandestine police trying to combat alcholism among them.